Being in the BuyBox means that your offer is the first one being shown to the customer. Under the tab "BuyBox" you can see the the performance and the status of your offers in the BuyBoy. You see offers that are not in the BuyBox and how you can improve them.


Select your filter criteria from the columns section on the right side. Simply tick the box of the information you want to add to your overview and click "ok".


You can find detailed explanations below.

Tickbox information

Make necessary changes in order for you to improve your BuyBox performance. To change/edit the price of your offer, you can view more details here ("Edit Offers").

By clicking on the three dots on the right side of your offer, you can view your offer directly on our refurbed website (”view buybox on refurbed”). By clicking on “Edit Details”, you can change the price (and currency) for your offer.

