You can partially or fully refund a customer for an order they've placed with you. These are the two types of refunds, full and partial refunds. If an order is fully or partially refunded we will not add this stock back to the item’s offer. You will need to restock this item manually after retrieval from the customer.

By clicking on the Order ID of one order, you get redirected to your order detail page. Here you can see an overview, the payments, item details and infos regarding dynamic pricing and commission. You can also partially or fully refund the customer.


Your overview page is divided into different sections:

Overview: Showing general information regarding the customer.

Status: Showing the order date, missing actions (labels) and the current refund state. Payments: Giving you an overview of what was initially charged, what has been refunded so far and how much is payed. Important: Once you partially refund "Total Refunded" and "Total Paid" changes. Customer Info: Delivery and Invoice address. Pricing Information: Detailed information about the pricing of the order.

Item Details: Grade, Warranty and Taxation. Furthermore the possibility to add an item identifier and the tracking link.

How to refund?

You can either refund the total amount of the order by clicking on the right top:


Click on “Check” to make sure you really want to refund and the data is correct.


Once checked is clicked you can refund. ****

<aside> ⚠️ Be aware this action is irreversable!


You can also partially refund by Order Item. Therefore simply click on the refund button associated to an order item.



Check the details to enable the refund function and refund. ****