You can create offers according to the requirements of your offers.

In order to create new offers, click on the "Create" Button on the top right corner.


Fill out all the required information and click on "Create Offer" at the bottom.


Instance: Every product has a refurbed Instance ID that you can find in the product catalogue. To download the product catalogue, click on "Download Catalogue" on the top right of the page. For further information regarding the product catalogue go to chapter "Download Catalogue".

SKU: Here you can enter your internal stock number to simplify your stock management.

Grade: Here you can choose whether you want to list the products as grade A (like new), grade B (very good), or grade C (good). Exact definitions of the grades can be found in our Grading Guide within the Quality Charta.

Warranty: Here you can choose the length of the warranty period, which must be max. 12 months.

Stock: This is the number of products you have in stock for one specific offer.

Shipping Profile: Here you can choose your product's shipping conditions, for example delivery time in days. These can be edited, created or deleted in the tab "Shipping Profiles" on the left sidebar. For further information go to chapter "Shipping Profiles".

2nd Shipping Profile (Optional): Currently no function added. Will be enabled in another iteration.

Taxation: Here you can choose the taxation of your offer. If you choose "Marginal", the customer will see the following message on the check-out page: "Your refurbed device is subject to differential taxation (§ 25a UStG der Differenzbesteuerung). The invoice will therefore exclude VAT."

Reference Currency: Here you can choose the currency of your offer.

Reference Min. Price (Optional): Here you can set an optional minimum price for your offer, which will be applied to all market offers. The automated repricing will allow you to outbid the offer of other merchants for the same product. Your set shipping costs will be added to the calculated price to get to the total price. The total price shown to customers will usually be higher than your set minimum price rounded to 10c below a 5€ step, i.e. 144,90 or 199,90.

Reference Price: This is the price (excluding shipping costs) that you charge for the product (in your set currency). The settings for the shipping costs can be adjusted under the tab "Shipping Profiles", where you can also find further information regarding shipping costs.

<aside> ⚠️ Tipp: If you are creating an offer, first put the stock amount that you have to "0", so that customers will not be able to see the offer. Take a moment to quickly double-check the offer you have created. This is to avoid misleading the customer with a false offer. If everything is correct, enter the actual number of products that you have in stock for that offer. As soon as the amount is "1 or more" pieces, the customer can see your offer and place an order with you.
